WHY make FACEBOOK FAN PAGE ? Why FACEBOOK? 1. Most of us today are in facebook, everyone has account an average person having facebook account has an average of 200 plus friends and relatives 2. Facebook fan page can become a business page 3. If one of you created a facebook fan page and send and invite to LIKES towards your pages. Just imagine you invite all your friends and relatives. Which have 200 friends and relative each. they become your future prospect in the future. 4. If your invites like your friends gave a likes in every photos u uploaded . naturally all her likes will appear on her/his friends newspeed. 5. Now if you have a store where people can visit in your locality. because of the fan page you made. which turn out to be your business store page. people can then visit your place. there many thing to do in a facebook fan page ,you can make business even u dont have a physical store, its ...